21.08.2017 - 25.08.2017, Copenhagen: Das Schwerpunktthema der diesjährigen Konferenz lautet: “Bildungsreform und der Anspruch des permanenten Wandels: ambivalente Rollen in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung und Strategie.´´ Die European Educational Research Association (EERA) lädt dazu ein gemeinsam auf der ECER 2017 in Kopenhagen darüber zu reflektieren.Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and educational research.Since the 1990s, European national education systems have been undergoing extensive reforms that strive for constant change and improvement, yet, in some cases, lead to a decline in the quality of education. Among other things, these system reforms result from an interaction between the national and transnational policy levels.Supranational agents such as the OECD and the EU – and, in higher education, the Bologna Process – influence national policies through standard-setting comparisons of national performance data and policy advice. As such, the scope and formats within which national policies can be conducted have changed radically, and this has transformed the daily practices of teachers, researchers, students and pupils and their parents. This development, which is proceeding at a tremendously fast rate, encompasses higher education, teacher education, vocational training as well as kindergartens, elementary schools and high schools. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Copenhagen 2017 invites scholars to reflect on the role of educational research in reforming education and the imperative of constant change.


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